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Health Questionnaire
The following questions are designed for the purpose of reviewing and determining your health history, possible risk factors, fitness and activity level, attitude and lifestyle. We recommend that anyone starting an exercise program should consult with a physician prior to starting.
Personal Health & Medical Information
Indicates required field
Name: First, Last
Date of Birth
approximate if you are not sure
Calculated by Fitness Progression
Blood Pressure
Taken by Fitness Progression
Resting Heart Rate
completed by Fitness Progression
Contact in case of emergency:
Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Please indicate all that apply:
You are a woman over the age of 45
You are a man over the age of 55
You are physically active less than 30mins 3x per week
You are overweight (20lbs or BMI over 30)
You presently smoke, or have quit within the past six months
You have high blood pressure or take blood pressure medication
You have been told you have high blood pressure
Your father or brother had a heart attack or heart surgery before the age of 55
Your mother or sister had a heart attack or heart surgery before the age of 65
None of the above
Existing Medical Conditions
Please indicate all that apply:
Heart condition
Thyroid problems
None of the above
Are you currently pregnant?
Have you given birth within the last year?
Are you currently taking any medication?
Please choose yes or no
If so, please indicate the medication and for what condition:
Do you have any allergies?
Please choose yes or no
If yes, please indicate to what, and if medication is required:
Do you have any pain, or have you ever injured any of the following areas?
Upper back
Lower back
None of the above
If Other Injury, please specify:
During the past two years, have you visited a chiropractor, physiotherapist, massage therapist, occupational therapist, or any other health therapist? If yes, please list.
Do you have any injuries or health concerns that effect you on a daily basis?
Do you have any other health conditions or considerations that are not mentioned?
In the past 12 months have you been advised by a doctor not to exercise?
If yes, please give details:
Occupation and Leisure Information
Current occupation, and previous occupation if less than 2 years
On a scale of 1-10, how stressful do you feel is your job?
How many hours a day do you work on average (outside of the home)?
If you walk or cycle to work, what method do you use and how long does it take?
If you take transportation (car, bus etc) to work, how long does it take?
How would you describe your physical activity level while at work?
Please choose one
Very active: construction worker etc
Fairly active: on your feet all day, teacher, server, etc
Not at all active: sitting at a desk most of the day
Please describe your home and family life (married, divorced, single, kids, pets etc), including any items that could potentially add to your stress/workload (educational courses, kids activities, spouse works a lot, etc), and those that can help reduce it (social activities, etc):
How would you describe how well you deal with stress (well, not well etc), and what methods you use to try to deal with it (eating, yoga, wine etc.):
Outside of work, how active would you describe yourself:
Please choose one
Very active: I walk a lot, play leisure sports (tennis etc), and rarely sit down
Somewhat active: I am always busy around the house (cleaning etc) but other than that I don't have much opportunity to exercise
Not very active: by the time I get home from work I am tired, and spend the weekends in my car (kids' activities etc)
Other: please describe
Other activity level:
How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
Is it restful sleep?
If it is not restful sleep, are there specific factors inhibiting your sleep (pain, stress, snoring spouse etc.)?
Current and Past Fitness Information
How would you describe your current fitness level?
Please choose one
Not fit: I sit at a desk all day and during my commute, and rarely get an opportunity to exercise
Could be fitter: I have a somewhat active job and try to stay active outside of work, but don't get much formal exercise
Working on it: I try to incorporate exercise into my routine as often as possible and usually manage to get in a few workouts a week
Fairly fit: I love to work out and feel I have achieved a decent level of fitness
Definitely fit: Exercise is a must for me and I workout at least 3x/week
If you participate in formal exercise, please list the types (running, yoga, tennis, weight training etc)
If your current fitness level is different than a past fitness level, please describe the change and the reasons for it:
What are your fitness expectations over the next several months (level improvements, specific goals etc.)
Have you ever worked out with a personal trainer before?
Do you have any specific concerns that you feel may impede your fitness goals (time, motivation, spouse concerns, ability etc.)?
Do you have any specific fitness or health goals you would like to work towards? Goal #1 (inc. timeline):
Goal #2 (inc. timeline):
Dietary Habits and Information
How knowledgeable do you feel you are about nutrition?
Please choose one
Very knowledgeable: I feel I know which choices I should be making and why
Not bad: I know the basics but not always the details
Not knowledgeable: I feel a bit unsure when it comes to making good health choices
How often do you feel you make healthy nutritious choices for yourself?
Please choose one
Very often: I enjoy making healthy choices and rarely choose something not healthy
Often: I enjoy making healthy choices, but I also enjoy eating foods that might not be great for me
Occasionally: I am not too concerned with what I eat but I try to eat some healthy items
Rarely: I eat often at restaurants and fast food and rarely get an opportunity to eat a healthy meal
What are your favourite things to eat that you consider healthy?
What are your favourite things to eat that you consider unhealthy?
Are you taking any supplements (e.g. vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, herbal remedies)? If yes, please list.
How many alcoholic beverages do you consume in a week? What kinds?
Do you smoke? If so, how many cigarettes a day?
Do you have weight loss as a goal?
If so, how much would you like to lose?
Have you had any weight fluctuations in weight in the last 12 months? If so, are you aware of the reasons why?
more than 10lbs for women, 15lbs for men
Have you ever lost a significant amount of weight in the past?
20lbs for women, 30lbs for men
Client Acknowledgment
By submitting this form I certify that I have fully disclosed all pertinent information in an honest and truthful manner:
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