Chronic inflammation wreaks havoc on the body, contributing to fatigue, depression, weight gain and many diseases. Insulin, sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) and cortisol play big roles in how the body controls inflammation. So how to you control these hormones?
PAIN RELIEVERS ANd inflammation: Their effect on injury prevention, healing and muscle growth11/10/2017
We have all taken some kind of pain reliever to help us recover from an injury, get though a grueling workout, or perhaps even prepare us to face another one; but what if doing so can actually delay healing, halt muscle growth and cause unwanted side effects?
Women struggle with symptoms of PMS and think that they are powerless to change it. Granted, there are sometimes underlying medical causes for heavy periods and PMS symptoms, but in the vast majority of cases symptoms can be relived by dietary and lifestyle changes. Even if there are medical conditions, these modifications can help everyone.
Ask my kids what my favourite vegetable is, and they will tell you broccoli. I call it the wonder food and preach its glory in an attempt to get them to love broccoli as much as I do; sadly, to no avail!
If I’m being 100% honest, taste wise, broccoli is not my favourite vegetable, but I eat it almost daily as I truly believe it when I call it a wonder food and know how many benefits it has. |